Seven Practices

Online Course

Wellbeing should be at the forefront of all our minds.

The Seven Practices are the product of two individuals and the journeys they took to improve their physical and mental wellbeing.

This course will explore how your relationship with the Seven Practices impacts both your wellbeing and productivity in work.

Begin your own wellbeing journey today by signing up to the Seven Practices Course.

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 are looking for information on other products by Beyond Domestication please click on the link at the top of the page.



George Knight

When not in the woods, George is either delivering training in the charity sector or working with organisations and individuals to help them objectify the practice of wellbeing.


Amber-Rose Crossley

When not taking pictures out in nature, Amber-Rose is either working as a HR leader in the telecoms sector, volunteering as a mentor or advising organisations on their approach to wellbeing.

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